Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New/Old Doctor

So I saw my "new" doctor today. He was actually the Doctor I went to see when I was 14 weeks along to discuss my family history and he was the one to put me in Complicated OB in the first place. He was awesome! He knew all about my history, asked what baby we were having, actually ordered the 24 hr. Urine sample and some more blood work. He listened to Xander's heartbeat (man he was a mover today). He also discussed the RH- shot and the Gestational Diabetes testing and when those would happen as well as ordering another set of ultrasounds at 28 weeks. So I get to see my baby again. He is like a million times better than my last doctor. I requested to have only him from now on. So all my ladies here in Hawaii, request Dr. Zoltz. He does normal and complicated OB. :)

Oh also I didn't gain a single pound but my blood pressure was up a bit.


  1. Just blogging around this morning and found your blog. Both my children were born while we were in the Air Force, my husband is now 20 years retired. But we never were lucky enough to get stationed in Hawaii. But my husband always wanted to go there. Thank yhou for letting me visit.
